With the smallest average particle size (0.0008 microns) ever seen, Sovereign Silver has more particles and resulting surface area than any brand on the market today. Head-to-head in-vitro bacteria studies confirm Sovereign Silver to outperform other brands up to about 500 ppm, therefore proving it's not how much silver is in a product but rather how many particles are present. The University of Miami has confirmed that Sovereign Silver's active content of charged particles is 96%. Combine all this with a safe low concentration of 10 ppm and you get the safest most effective silver product to ever reach the consumer. Since ancient times silver has been highly regarded as a versatile healing tool. In ancient Greece, Rome, Phoenicia, and Macedonia, silver was used extensively to control infections and spoilage. Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine," taught that silver healed wounds and controlled disease. Around 400 B.C. he listed as a singular treatment for ulcers "the flowers of silver alone, in the finest powder." Herodotus describes how the King of Persia carried with him boiled water in silver flagons to prevent sickness. Smallest average particle size ever seen - 0.8 nm (nanometers) / 0.0008 microns / 8 Angstroms - confirmed by Univ. of Miami Medical School Click here. 96% actively charged particles - confirmed in a University of Miami study. Click Here. Safe low concentration of 10 ppm (parts-per-million) - confirmed at an FDA approved laboratory. Click Here for Acute Toxicity Study. Made from 99.99% pure silver - confirmed by 3rd party assay. Click Here. Made with ultra-pure, medical-grade water (the only other ingredient). Crystal clear and virtually tasteless